Sunday, December 5, 2010

A fitting time to change gears

As it has been many months since I last blogged I decided to close this blog, however one does that? As you know from my blog, a lot has gone on in my life over the last year and surprisingly I am healthier and feeling a little better, despite a recent acquisition of a broken wrist (thankfully my left one which is NOT my dominant one). One learns to be extremely grateful whatever positive things can be taken away from tragedies, however large or small they are. Maybe because I am healthier and because of my wrist (and many other excuses) I haven't been quilting much and very much want to REALLY start. One thing I am promising myself is not to be working on more than two projects at a time. I have come to grips with the fact that I do get to bored to steadfastly stick to one but when two turns to four turns to too many it means you don't want to finish them and that is no longer true.

I will open another blog again, probably in the spring and although it will hopefully focus on quilting it will also be a little more broad. I have met some amazing people through blogging, quilting and Etsy and I intend to stay in touch with them through their blogs, Flickr site and Etsy shops. Thank you all to the people who wrote a comment to cheer me up. You don't have any idea how much those meant to me. To the people whose blocks I did not finish I do apologize and I do have them more than 3/4 finished so I will be sending them back to you to put the finishing touches on. I didn't intend to burden you with yet another thing to do and for that I'm sorry but I know how important it is to have a finished piece of work and to have people at least try to be true to their word and not just abscond with your beautiful fabric.

Stay warm or cool, wherever you may be. I am sitting looking out at a very dark, cold, snowy day in Rochester, New York thinking about getting on the sofa, under some blankets and watching a movie.

My best wishes to you for 2011 and may your hopes and dreams ripen in the new year!