Thursday, April 22, 2010

What a pain!

Some of you know that I have back injuries due to being in two car accidents within two years (on the exact same date in 2007 and 2009) where I was rear ended while standing still. I herniated two discs in the first accident (waiting at a red light) and was recovering very slowly when I got hit again (waiting to make a turn). The accidents were in November. I hadn't been given the okay to return to physical therapy until about a month ago and I lost so much strength and stamina in the intervening time that for days after my second therapy session in a week (I go twice a week) I am in a lot of pain. Unfortunately what would make me feel better (aside from a hot tub) quilting, is also hard to do (sitting on a stool) when your back is hurting. Standing feels the best so I have a number of quilts cut but not much sewing done. I think I have some answers how to feel better so this week (thanks to a great physical therapist and chiropractor)I hope to get caught up on the three bees I'm in. Sorry guys, I'm doing the best I can. Actually knowing I need to get these done is a great motivator to do my best to feel better. Once I get going and get my hands on the fabric I already start feeling better. When I was lying around a lot I ordered a lot of quilting books (a LOT) so now I have even more ideas of what I want to do and more fabric (thank goodness for the internet) to do it with so here's to hoping to maybe a slow but eventual full recovery, although you'll probably never see me on a snow board or roller blades. Winston is the best medicine. The little guy just hangs out wherever I am giving kisses and lying down near me, keeping an eye on me. Looking at his sweet face just makes me laugh, what great medicine.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's About Time

For the past two evenings I cut out small blocks for what will be my next quilt, I think. Meanwhile I have to finish my two blocks for the Fussy Cut Bee and my two minis for the Doll Quilt Swap and my first one for the NKOB (New Kids on the Block). I kept looking at my stash and at all these pattern books and just wanted to get going on something else. Getting these blocks done for the bee is so hard, I'm not sure why. I think I'm so anxious to get my hands on some of the bookcase full of fabric that I have. I picked out a book to write down my ideas for quilts and what fabrics I'm thinking of using. That way it seems real to my as if this is going to happen next, and then this one. I'm just that kind of person that feels more comfortable knowing what's happening in the future but then I'm just as likely to change my mind so I think it's just having a plan and of course I've bought more fabric in the meantime and you know how you just want to get your hands on the fabric when it comes in the mail so maybe it's just that phenomenon. Anyway, I cut up almost enough squares to make a baby quilt so maybe I actually will work on that next although I had promised myself to work on a quilt I started for my daughter when she left for college and next year she'll be a senior so now I promised myself it will be for her first apartment after she graduates. It's all Kaffe Fassett fabric so it's very bright but I do like the design a lot. I'll take a pictures of the squares I've got done and post them along with this post tomorrow and I'll take a picture of all the little squares I cut out too. Do you think when you're 80 your houses will be filled with all these quilts you've made and you've bought or swapped filling every closet and spare dresser, etc., I hope by then I will have given them all away except for the very special ones that I will want my children and grand-children to have. How'd I get onto this topic? The weekend is almost over and it's back to work tomorrow and I didn't get as much quilting time in as I had wanted to and I'd like just one more day. The day will come later in the week and I can be patient until then and keep looking at the cut out blocks and think about how I want to arrange them. There's always ways to change things and occupy yourself with different ideas. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I was already to get up and go but my body wasn't. As some of you know in the past two years I was in two separate automobile accidents where I was rear ended. I had back injuries from both of them and back surgery after the first one. The first one was two and a half years ago and the last one was in November 2009 on the same date as the first one! Isn't that creepy. I have good days and bad days, good weeks and bad weeks. The last few weeks have been bad ones. I'm okay standing to cut material but sewing has been too hard on my back. I'm looking for a chair that will give me back support but be low enought for me (5'1") and my sewing machine. I think I have finally found one. I have been in and out of all kinds of rehab but I hadn't been back to physical therapy until last week since the second accident so I've been really hurting this week but after a week I may be hurting but I'm moving more so I'm imagining how much better I'll be in a few months. I had hoped to get all caught up on my blocks this weekend but it didn't happen. I'm almost finished with my March fussy cut block and then I can start on April's. I have two doll quilts cut out and I just got the material for NKOB so I hope in two weeks I can get them all done aside from working on my own quilts. So if I'm late for the swaps and bees forgive me, I'm doing the best I can and don't worry I wont desert you. They will get done. If I thought I couldn't I'd let you know. Send good karma, prayers, chants, whatever you do my way. It would be much appreciated.